The purpose of this directory is to help interested new dispatchers find resources and distinguish real services from fraudsters.
The directory order will change periodically to reflect quality and avoid scammers.When looking at the freight dispatch space, it was clear that many people offer training resources. What also became clear was how many scammers were lurking about and trying to take money from enterprising folks. There seemed to be no trustworthy source for new dispatch entrants to evaluate the many different training providers. This is a small effort to help the dispatch community grow.
Please use the comments below to share your thoughts and report bad actors who may have snuck on the list.
The list will be reviewed periodically and cleaned. Currently, it is unranked and displays companies based on a "first come, first serve" ordering.
Got ideas for another directory or things you'd like to see in this directory? Please comment below and let us know.
If you would like your business added to the directory and that company provides a real dispatch training service that operates legally, then you're welcome to sign-up here.